open program

Villa Wolf in Gubin – A Modernist Milestone by Mies van der Rohe

Architecture is much more than just designing and building spaces – it reflects our history, shapes our cultural heritage and expresses visions for the future. One such visionary work was the Villa Wolf in Gubin, created in 1927 by world-famous architect Ludwig Mies van der...

PLANTSTORIA exhibition in Ciechanów

Created at the end of the 19th century by Ebenezer Howard, the utopian vision of "garden cities" lived to see numerous, albeit non-ideal realizations, interpretations and distortions. At times, it also served as a tool for colonizing conquered territories. Barbara Nawrocka,...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Orphan Memory: Between Vanishing and Forgetting in Eastern Europe

Orphan Memory: Between Vanishing and Forgetting in Eastern Europe Ruined graveyards, repurposed temples, toppled monuments, abandoned village – all of these are common sites across Eastern Europe. A history of imperial upheaval, forced population transfers,...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Barbara Brukalska and Helena Syrkus: Polish women architects and the networks of the avant-garde

The event will discuss the contributions of modernist women architects, focusing on their role within avant-garde architectural networks. Drawing mainly on examples from Eastern Europe and the Bauhaus, the panel will reflect on the complex relationships between society, gender...

Wystawa “Plantstoria”, Barbara Nawrocka

Barbara Nawrocka wystawa Plantstoria | 14 Weekend Architektury w Gdyni Utopijna wizja Ebenezera Howarda z końca XIX wieku doczekała się licznych, choć nieidealnych realizacji, interpretacji i wypaczeń. Niekiedy stanowiła również narzędzie kolonizacji podbitych...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Katarzyna Kobro (1898-1951): Sculptor of Modernism

Sculpture is spatial compositionˈ - the essence of Katarzyna Kobro's work can be summarised briefly and precisely with this artistic motto. Our lecture offers a much deeper insight: Dr Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk, curator and co-director of the Exercising Modernity programme, takes...

'Seven steps to fame' – Berlin premiere of the radio reportage with a discussion

Berlin premiere of the radio reportage followed by a discussion in which Anna Dudzińska, Dr Albrecht Dümling and Zbigniew Rokita will take part. 25.04, 18.30-20:00 | Pariser Platz 4A, 10117 Berlin | Register here:
Online event

Stettin-Szczecin. The City as a Palimpsest. A lecture by our scholarship holder Laslo Strong

Unfolding a washed-out red folder, a title in Fraktur script dominates an aged sheet of paper. 08.02., 18.00 | Online via Zoom:
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Convergences and Divergences. Modernism Beyond East and West

The conference addresses the history of modern architecture from a horizontal and non-hierarchical perspective, overcoming outdated and simplistic categories such as East and West. It will focus not only on design and urban planning issues, but also on questions related to the...

Opening of the SOFT GROUND exhibition

The exhibition is the result of a critical and interdisciplinary reflection on modernism undertaken within five years of the Exercising Modernity project. The invited artists, the graduates of the Exercising Modernity Academy in the years 2018–2022, employ various research...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Contemporary Art and Contested Past. Reviving suppressed histories in the Baltic region

Artists have often altered the ways the past is understood. They do so by delving into the realm of contested and problematic histories, or by visualizing the particular power dynamics around it. In doing so they open new...
Open call

CALL FOR PAPERS – Interdisciplinary conference “Convergences and Divergences. Modernism beyond East and West

  Interdisciplinary conference: Convergences and Divergences. Modernism beyond East and West Abstract submission deadline – 17.09.2023 Notification of acceptance – 26.09.202 Conference - 16-18.11.2023   The Organizers of the...

Wystawa “MEMENTO”, Vinicius Libardoni

Jak każdego roku program Ćwiczenie Nowoczesności jest partnerem Weekendu Architektury w Gdyni. W drugi dzień festiwalu “Weekend Architektury w Gdyni” zaplanowano otwarcie wystawy „Memento” brazylijsko-włoskiego artysty i architekta Viniciusa Libardoniego, który jest...
Gdynia InfoBox

Exhibition “Urban networks of modernism and the role of jewish architects – the case of Gdynia (Poland)”

„Urban networks of modernism and the role of jewish architects – the case of Gdynia (Poland)” exhibition presents Gdynia’s interwar architecture through the lens of selected works by Polish architects of Jewish origin. They were an important group of...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Kyiv Architectural Guide – book presentation & talk

Since the Russian attack in February 2022, the Ukrainian capital has been in the international spotlight: However, Kyiv is not only the administrative and political center of Ukraine, but also a place where the complex and diverse history of the country becomes particularly...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Lecture “ROADS and TRANSITS. The traces of Modernity between Minsk and Beirut”

The third event in the Exercising [Eastern] Modernity lecture series was delivered by Anna Karpenko. Her lecture revolved around the linear understanding of the “East” which is oftentimes present at western universities as well as question the underlying assumptions behind...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Panel Discussion titled: Eastern European Modernism – Contribution of Jewish Architects

The starting point for the second event in Exercising [Eastern] Modernity lecture series is the book ''Osteuropäische Moderne – Beiträge jüdischer Architekten und Architektinnen“''*. The publication is the first of its kind to address the...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Lecture “Vilnius, Wilno, Vilne 1918–1948: one city – many stories”

Tuesday, 21.03.2022, 19:00 Pilecki-Institut Berlin Following this year´s special edition of Exercising Modernity - whose extended topical focus was displayed by the added [Eastern] part in the middle - we're happy to announce a new lecture series which will...
Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Lecture by Urszula Prokop, „Creatures of the Future”

Lecture: The creators of the future - a project-journey in the footsteps of Polish-born architects and urban planners who emigrated to Israel and were responsible for the planning of the development of the country in the first years after its...

Architecture is Frozen music – Laure Catugier

thursday, 03.03.2022 18.00-22.00 Opening of the exhibition: Architecture is Frozen Music, by Laure Catugier - graduate of the Academy and scholarship holder of the Exercising Modernity programme. The artist, invited by the, will present her...

Architecture of Optimism

tuesday, 19.10.2021 18.30 Lecture series “Der Neue Mensch” [“The New Man”] Prof. dr. Marija Drėmaitė "Architecture of Optimism: Building a Modern Capital in Kaunas, Lithuania, 1919–1939" The new national states that emerged on...

Exercising Modernity/SHOWCASE

Exercising Modernity/SHOWCASE/2020 Let’s come together on Friday 25 June and meet our 5 artists and the results of their conceptual and artistic work. Meet artists with divergent approaches who will introduce their unique perspectives on the problem of modernism...

Exercising Modernity 2021 – open lectures

SAT 06.02.2021 17:00 - 18:30 Discussion with Wojciech Kotecki, Dorota Leśniak-Rychlak, Łukasz Pancewicz, Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk, moderated by Anna Cymer

Urban planning of the future. Designing cities in times of uncertainty

[PL with ENG...

Lecture “Bio-politics in a disciplinary network”

Prof. Dr. Margarete Vöhringer Bio-politics in a disciplinary network: How medicine, education, ergonomics and eugenics shaped the New Man of the early Soviet Union. 9 December 2020, 6:30 – 8 p.m. The lecture will be given in German,...

Rozszerzona rzeczywistość

  Nabór do projektu jest już zamknięty.  Z autorami wybranych pomysłów skontaktujemy się mailowo na początku lipca. Prosimy o cierpliwość!   “Rozszerzona rzeczywistość” –...
Bernau bei Berlin

Open lectures 23.10. – 28.10.18

We invite you to all open lectures in Bernau bei Berlin as part of the project Ćwiczenie nowoczesności • Exercising modernity • Modernität üben:   3-28 October | Bernau bei Berlin ADGB Trade Union School Meyer-Wittwer-Bau Free entry to all lectures  ...
lectures and debates

Open lectures 03.10. – 06.10.18

We invite you to all open lectures as part of the project Ćwiczenie nowoczesności • Exercising modernity • Modernität üben:   3-6 October | Gdynia Konsulat Kultury, ul. Jana z Kolna 25 Muzeum Miasta Gdynii, ul. Zawiszy Czarnego 1 Free entry to all lectures ...

Special lecture at Architekturpreis Berlin

ArchitekturPreis Berlin e.V. Kurfürstendamm 48/49 10707 Berlin dr Jacek Friedrich Nowoczesne miasto nad morzem. Gdynia i Tel Awiw w latach 1920-1948 W wyniku I wojny światowej zostało restytuowane państwo polskie, które w 1920 roku objęło część wybrzeża...